Green House Monitoring And Control System.
IoT Based Green House Monitoring And Control System.

IOT and Arduino based Greenhouse Environment Monitoring and controlling project use four sensors to detect the Temperature, Light, Humidity, and Soil moisture in the Greenhouse.
Temperature Sensor is used to detect the temperature inside the greenhouse. Reading from the sensor is sent to the microcontroller. The microcontroller is connected to different relays. One of the relays is connected to a blower. If the temperature is above or below the threshold value, the microcontroller would send signals to turn ON the Fan.
Light Sensor is used to detect the amount of sunlight inside the greenhouse. Reading from the sensor is sent to the microcontroller. If the Sunlight is above the threshold value, the microcontroller would send signals to turn ON the relay which would, in real-time, be a ‘shade’ that would reduce the amount of Sunlight. For demo purposes, we have connected a DC motor to replicate a Shade.
Similarly, the Humidity sensor is used to detect the humidity value and the Soil moisture sensor (two probes dug in the soil) is used to detect the soil moisture. If the humidity value detected by the sensor is above the threshold value OR if the soil moisture reduces, the microcontroller would turn on the blower to decrease the humidity and will open the water outlet to increase the moisture in the soil. For demo purposes, we have connected a DC motor in place of the blower and water outlet.